I've been wanting to start a new blog for awhile. Most of you know that there have been some major changes in our life this year, most important, the birth of Emma Faith. I guess I will start this by telling you all about the day she was born!
Me before:
This is me before....lovely aren't I? If you would rather not read the details, skip ahead. I plan on giving details. :) Well, May 2, 2008 began for us at 4:45am. I woke up feeling like I had to pee or had peed or something. I stood up beside the bed and "something" ran down my leg. I told Byron, "um, I need to turn on the light" and said, "something has run down my leg". I waddled to the bathroom and wondered if my water had broken. I asked Byron what he thought and we ended up calling the labor and delivery floor of the hospital to ask if we should come in or wait for contractions. The nurse told me to come on in to be checked. So, about 5:30am, we get to the hospital and the nurse checked me with her "lovely" equipment. I told her I couldn't lay flat on my back or I would feel nauseous and she didn't really seem to care about that and promptly did her exam, causing me to try and back off the table and told me my water had indeed broken and we would be put in a room. Nice nurse, but not so gentle with the pregnant lady. So, I changed clothes and started walking up and down the hall calling family and friends.
About 730am, I was offically admitted to the hospital. Answering all the questions was easy and I really wasn't having major contractions. Dr. Pamela Evans came in and completely broke my water because it hadn't fully broken, I don't guess. By 11am, I was READY for the epidural. I was about 2 cm at that point and ready to not be uncomfortable. About an hour or so after that, Jeff, the most wonderful man in the world, came to give me my epidural. I was upset that everyone, including Byron had to leave the room but I handled well, I think, until it was over and I laid back. I told the nurse I didn't feel real well and all of a sudden, I was flat on my back and feeling like I was going to throw up. I don't remember too much except I saw Byron again and watching them pump this thing like they were taking my blood pressure. They were putting fluids into me. Apparently, my blood pressure dropped pretty low and that's why I don't remember too much.
After the fluids, I felt better and sat up and was talking. I think the worst part of pre-birth was the stupid blood pressure cuff and IVs. I hated both of them and still don't get why I was strapped to that bed! Lots of friends came to visit and family were in and out. Here's Byron sitting on the floor because there were no seats open in the room!
Here's when I about cried....Dr. Evans, my Dr. who has been with me since the beginning, comes in about 4pm to tell me she is supposed to leave for Jackson (an hour or so away) to visit with another Dr. and Dr. K would be delivering me. I was NOT HAPPY at all because I love Dr. Evans and really didn't want anyone else to deliver Emma. She told me she would check me again before she left and would see how I was doing. She came in about 6pm (when she should have left for Jackson) and I was 10cm! My mom and mother in law came in to cry at me and smile at me because they heard Dr. Evans say, "lets get the scrubs." Byron and I were trying to get some sleep and everyone else was out in the waiting room. So, I pushed for an hour or so and I kept telling Byron and Dr. Evans, "I can't get her head out" because they kept telling me they could see a head full of hair! Byron was AWESOME and helped me so much. He kept telling me to keep my chin on my chest and held the bucket I kept throwing up in. I threw up 4 times pushing her out and once afterward!! She was born at 7:09pm screaming and looking at me. Byron cut the cord and I cried! I threw up again and they asked if I wanted some meds to help with that and I said yes, of course because everyone knows how much I hate throwing up! Emma was 8 lbs 12.3oz and 20.5 inches long. She was so alert and her APGAR scores were 9 and 9. She was perfect from the beginning!
8LBS 12OZ, 20.5 INCHES!!
She kept looking at me while they were cleaning her up. She was so precious!
After the Phenergan...Mom took better pictures of me passed out with my mouth open wide. I don't even remember taking this picture.
So drugged up and tired, I couldn't even smile but I was smiling inside! What a beautiful baby!
Dr Pamela Evans, Emma and me!
Here are some more pics of the day!
Me After!!
Aunt Becky and Emma!
Emma and mommy!
I will update more with more recent pictures. Emma is ready to eat!