Saturday, May 16, 2009

And so the parties begin!

Hi Everybody! We now have party pictures from the very first birthday of Emma Faith Breeding. These first three or four are Emma and Byron running through the house. She loves it!

This beautiful cake for Emma was made
by Wendy Wratten. She is a wonderful cake designer
and is available on facebook under Cakesby Wendy!

Here is the lady bug cake Wendy also made! Yum Yum!

Emma's Pop (my dad on the left) and my Uncle Bill (on the right)

"Uncle" Travis and Lucy Beth Jackson...they don't look
a BIT alike, do they?

Aunt Kyle and Madelyn

"Aunt" Molly and Lucy Beth Jackson

Uncle Ronnie, Aunt Dana and Cameron Breeding

Opening presents for the first time....she was
interested but really would have rather just crawled around and
me open them alone. :)

These beads were a hit with you'll see, she
played and played with them!

Aunt Becky and Laine Michael Mecord
(what a doll!)

Again with the beads...please ignore the weird adult in
the background

Cooper Neely (my oldest cousin, Liz's, sweet baby boy)

Ally and Rachel Wratten

Cake Time....hum...not too sure about
this on my hands

Daddy helping me along


This is SO not fun!!!!

One of my favorite pictures of Emma and her Daddy.
She LOVES her Daddy so much!

Special pic of Byron's brother's family with Emma

She is telling Cameron and Aunt Dana
something IMPORTANT...

Funny Madelyn lying on her side looking up!

MawMaw and Aunt Kim (Byron's mom and sister)

Madelyn loved the beads, too!

The girls (L to R) Madelyn, Emma and Lucy Beth
playing so sweet together....sort of the
same room at least.

Aunt Kim's birthday is May 2nd also, so we had
to get a shot of the birthday girls!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hello Spring

Hello Everybody! Just wanted
to share some pictures of our little 11 month old sweetie!

Here is a funny story! Emma had a little accident on the carpet so I went
to change her diaper and prepare her bath.
I was emptying the diaper genie and had put her in the living room
so I could get down. This is what I saw when I turned around! How guilty does she look?!

Then of course, she smiled!

She does not like clothes, and now, I guess, doesn't like diapers either!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New February Pictures

I promise you that the story about these pictures is the honest truth. As SOON as I took out the camera to take her First Valentine's Day picture, she started smiling before I even got the lens cap off. She is SO her daddy...a camera HAM!

This was her first trip to the park. It was a little cool outside but we wanted to get there before it got dark. I will say it was over all pretty good!

In the Tube!

Studying the tube...not so sure I like this idea of being in this tubey thing ....we'll see.


Big smiles with Daddy at the top of the slide

Snorty funny....

I would like for you to pick me up now....please....pick me up....
Later, I was fine. See, what happens is I like to test my mommy and daddy. Snorty lion....She loves that lion and climbs on it all the time.